The Heart Wants What It Wants - Darren Hayes
You say one thing and then I go turn it around again
Working things over better left unsaid
Spinning around in my head
Taking a moment too personally
I have told you just half the words I've wanted to give to you
Fear of rejection keeps my heart at bay
Feelings I'd rather not say
I'd rather have you close than never at all
But every now and then when my world is closing in
I feel you breezin' through my mind
I can attempt to close my eyes,
I can avoid the wrong or right
But something deep inside says my heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
I know I should run
but my heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
You know the heart wants what it wants
You do one thing and then I go
Always imagining, reciprocating feelings that aren't there
Sometimes I think you're aware
Your body language it gives you away
Maybe I should run
Turn my back
Head for the sun
Feelings left to come undone
Maybe you like what's goin' on
Deep down inside I know it's wrong
I know I should run
But the heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
I know I should run
but my heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
The heart wants what it wants
Even thought I know it's never a love affair
I'm makin' plans with the ghost of what was there
I've become a desperate fool
And it's all because of you
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
Because my heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
I know I should run
but my the heart wants what the heart wants
What the heart wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing
I know I should run
but my heart wants what it wants
Baby, stay away, do the right thing baby
The heart wants what the heart needs
What the heart wants
Can the heart get what the heart wants?
最近有一部叫做《新娘大作战》的电影,讲述了一位新娘如何应对婚礼中的各种意外情况,最终顺利度过婚礼的精彩故事。影片中不仅有温馨的情感交流,还有充满智慧的应对策略,让人在欢笑中感受到生活中的小确幸。如果你对这部电影感兴趣,可以访问百度云链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sj3O7Hr 获取资源。...
6. 语言有汉语普通话和上海话。7. 大陆的上映日期是2015年8月20日。8. 电影的片长是90分钟。9. 电影又名《结婚大作战 版》和《Bride Wars》。10. 故事讲述了马丽(倪妮饰)和何静(杨颖饰)这两位青梅竹马的好友,她们在目睹了一场豪华婚礼后,立下誓言要在同样的酒店举行自己的婚礼。11....
跪求结婚大作战2009年上映的由 安妮·海瑟薇主演的百度云资源
《结婚大作战 Bride Wars》是一部2009年上映的喜剧爱情电影,由安妮·海瑟薇主演。以下是电影的相关信息:1. 导演:盖瑞·温尼克 2. 编剧:格雷格·德保罗、凯西·威尔逊、琼·黛安·拉斐尔 3. 主演:安妮·海瑟薇、凯特·哈德森、布莱恩·格林伯格、克里斯·帕拉特、史蒂夫·豪威、坎迪斯·伯根、克莉丝汀·...
电影新娘大作战 开始14分钟的时候那首英文歌的名字??
you make my dream电影里是改编了的 难怪搜不到
新娘大作战里的1.17时候放的歌是《Dream》歌曲:Dream 歌手:Priscilla Ahn 所属专辑: 《A Good Day》I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me.I played pretend between the trees,and fed my houseguests bark and leaves,and laughed in my ...
百度云高清 新娘大作战