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1. Two women are talking about intercultural marriage.
A. You are married to a foreigner, huh? So what’s it like?
B. Well, the first year of our marriage, we had great difficulty getting along. The things that are important to me are not important to him. We had a lot of conflicts
A. Yeah, I know what you mean. The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples, not to mention two people from different cultures.
B. And now we have a two-year-old boy. We’re very happy that he’s healthy and smart.
A. Oh, so he’s half Chinese and half American. That’s unusual. What languages does he speak, then?
B. Right now he speaks mostly Chinese, and he can say a few English words. But he will learn.
A. What does he look like? Can people tell?
B. Yes, people surely can. He’s whiter than the Chinese kids, and his hair is a little blonde. My husband says his eyes are very Chinese though.

——噢,那么他是一半 血统、一半美国血统。那很不寻常。那他讲什么语言?
——能,别人当然能看出来。他比其他 小孩白,头发有点金黄。但我丈夫说他的眼睛很像 人的。

1. An interculture couple are talking about relatives visiting without warning.
A: Well, I can’t believe your uncle and aunt came to stay with us for a week, and they did not even call us in advance2.
B: John, they are old-fashioned people from the Chinese countryside. That’s their custom.
A: I know, but it is hard for me to get used to your relatives coming to visit us, and without warning.
B: Don’t your relatives visit other relatives?
A: Yes, but Americans never visit without calling in advance, and they almost never stay overnight.
B: I think that maybe Chinese families are closer than your families.
A: I think you’re right!
——约翰,他们是从 农村来的老年人。那是他们的习俗。
——我觉得也许 家庭比你们的家庭要亲密很多。

3. Tired of Western food.
A: Sally, I’m tired of this Western food. I really miss my mother’s Sichuan cooking.
B: I’m sure you do miss that type of cooking. But can’t you try to get used to Western food?
A: I have tried. But Americans like butter, bread, sugar, and cream too much.
B: I suppose you’re right, Lee. Maybe that’s why so many Westerners are overweight3.
A: It’s interesting that Americans work very hard at their jobs, do not take naps4 during the day, and yet they can be so heavy.
B: You see, because we are often busy working, we eat too much fast food, and that food is very fattening5.


4. Money problems.
A: Calvin, how much money did you spend last weekend?
B: Lily, I’m not sure. Let me check, I think I spent $50.
A: Why don’t you help me save money? You are always spending money.
B: I know that I should learn how to save more, but I hope that we can spend a little on ourselves sometimes.
A: I’m sorry. I guess I’m too extreme when it comes putting money in the bank.
B: That’s okay. I’m sorry, too. It’s a good idea to prepare for the future possibilities.


关于环境与经济那个好?;跨国婚姻优缺点;留学为什么;2个人的英语对话,4分钟左右~~~ foreign trade


1. Two women are talking about intercultural marriage.A. You are married to a foreigner, huh? So what’s it like?B. Well, the first year of our marriage, we had great difficulty getting along. The things that are important to me are not important to him. We had ...

你是否认同异国婚姻? 给出你的观点,准备英语辩论赛用,最好是英语回答

Anyway, Let's Talk about something about Trans-national Marriage.跨国婚姻 mixed marriage 权衡利弊 weighing the pros and cons 常言道:“爱情是盲目的”there‘s a saying:"love is blind."异国婚姻常常沦为感伤的爱情故事 A mixed marriage often turns out to be a sentimental love stor...


1. Interracial marriage can encounter more challenges than monoracial marriages.2. Due to differences in family backgrounds, cultures, customs, and social class levels, disagreements within the family are common.3. Religion can become a point of contention. If the couple has different r...

英语作文 对跨国婚姻的看法

With the development of The Times, people's ideas have changed, the development of transportation and information technology have shortened the distance between people, and there are more and more transnational marriages. Of course, transnational marriage also has advantages and disadvantages....


the Australian man shot her a sentence as a good bye advice. He said " you should get mouth shut and lips open all the time". My friend left the house and the Australian man forever. However hard she tried to forget the past marriage, she was just not able to dismiss the...

Marriage Across Nations英语作文120字

Marriage Across Nations 跨国婚姻 Marriage Across Nations 跨国婚姻


The advantages of transnational marriage outweigh the disadvantages.


My views of Matrimony (wedding/marriage)Matrimony is the important to all people's life, two people need to make a full psychological and material preparations.After all, Matrimony is a new life begin, a lot of things can not be the same as pre-marital free,And then, the ...

跨国婚姻的利与弊 英语作文。。。

there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddudists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike.跨国婚姻会遇到更...


篇一 M: hello, Deva, how are you?嗨,迪娃,你好吗?D: can't plain. What about you?还行吧,你呢?M: not bad. Have you heard Wendy divorced her hu *** and?还成。你听说了吗?温迪和她的外国丈夫离婚了。D: I've heard. She looks quite depressed.嗯,听说了。温迪看上去闷闷...