Communication (the interchange of ideas between two individuals) is the key to a successful marriage. The five communication levels, in order of least to most difficult, are: sharing general information; sharing facts; sharing opinion and beliefs; sharing feelings and emotions and sharing needs, intimate concerns, hopes and fears.
People may get into trouble in their marriages because they have not developed their ability to listen and communicate. These are a few things that prevent people from communicating effectively: not knowing how to communicate properly; not taking the time to think through what they want to say; not taking the time to anticipate what their partner might be thinking and feeling; fear of revealing too much of themselves; fear of their partner's anger and not wanting to hurt their partner's feelings
People marry because they want to spend the rest of their lives with their partner. They have every hope of growing together and creating a relationship that makes them feel emotionally healthy. Two factors necessary for this to happen are empathy and acceptance on the part of both partners. Empathy is the capacity to put oneself in another's shoes and understand how they view their reality, how they feel about things. Demonstrating empathy and acceptance is critical to maintaining a strong relationship.
The couples may have different backgrounds, perspectives, personalities, and professions. Some couples may keep misunderstanding all inside to avoid the confrontation, but that does not make the relationship any healthier. Couples need to find an effective method of communication. Couples must learn to understand each other better and recognize and accept each other's point of view.
Handling confrontations is an art like dance. There are some steps you can take to master the dance of communication: never use the silent treatment; never use lies to cover up shortcomings; do not get in-laws or friends involved right away; do not be subjective in making any conclusions; never jump into conclusions, communicate and talk it over; discuss what actually happened, do not judge; find out all the facts rather than start guessing at the motives; learn to understand each other, not to defeat each other; use future and present tense talking, not past tense; concentrate on the major problem, do not divide attention by mixing in other minor problems; first take care of the problems that hurt feelings in the relationship, then take care the problems arising from just differences in opinions; and use "I feel" statements, do not use "you are" statements.
Verbal ability is a beautiful gift, but it can turn ugly if abused. There are some communication firecrackers (threats, name calling, blame and exaggerations.) that you must not throw in your argument, or they will spread and intensify the conflict and make the things even worse.
Active listening is a way of communicating that creates the important climate of empathy, acceptance and understanding. It is a two-step response to a statement made by your partner. It includes reflecting back what emotion you detected in the statement, and the reason for the emotion. Active listening is a valuable skill because it demonstrates that you understand what your partner is saying and how he or she is feeling about it. Active listening means restating, in your own words, what the other person has said. It is a check on whether your understanding is correct. It demonstrates that you are listening and that you are interested and concerned. Actively listening does not mean agreeing with the other person. The point is to demonstrate to your partner that you intend to hear and understand his or her point of view. This is good for your relationship for several reasons: when someone demonstrates that they want to understand what you are thinking and feeling, it feels good; it creates good feelings about the other person; restating and checking understanding promotes better communication and fewer misunderstandings.
Apology is a special way (correction) for demonstrating your empathy and acceptance. A person may be sincerely apologizing and yet, the apology is not perceived as sincere because it is spoken in the wrong language. The five distinct languages of apology are: expressing regret; accepting responsibility; making restitution; genuine repentance and requesting forgiveness.
However, there are a few more communication skills required that include asking open-ended questions, making summary statements to check understanding, and encouraging your partner to open up and elaborate by using neutral questions and phrases.
Basic on the Chinese traditional cultures, ladies at their ages of 25-27 will be the optimal marriage age. At these excellent ages, you got many options of different good guys because you are young, energetic, enthusiastic, and you are good looking. But, once you get into the age of 28, things will be totally reversed. If you don’t want your parents chasing on you each time when calling them then you’d better tie yourself up on an optimal guy as soon as possible.
Marriage【By Kaiser3344】Marriage is a gamble. I may have a wife whose personality corresponds to mine but I also may have a wife who only cares about herself and can't tolerate my shortcomings. if my wife is the latter kind, quarrels will become routine. It is not warmth an...
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The most important element for a stable marriage/relationship is trust. Trust is not only a blind reliness on the partner but also an open and frank communication to each other to improve the understanding between each other. As the understanding increases, the trust on your part...
奥巴马支持同性婚姻的英语演讲稿 最好是中英对照 谢谢
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请帮我的演讲稿英文翻译一下吧,谢谢啦( Let your vision be the world embracing)
Good evening, my dear teachers and fellow student!I am honored to stand here today to make a brief presentation. First of all, I would like to ask a question: What is family ?Some people would say that the family is a man, a woman and a child , and of course, in a ...
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