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中文名称: 夏威夷婚礼歌
其他名称: 蓝色夏威夷
Title 夏威夷婚礼歌


The Hawaiian wedding song (Ke Kali Nei Au)

This is the moment I've waited for,

I can hear my heart singing,

Soon bells will be ringing,

This is the moment of sweet "A—lo—ha".

I will love you longer than forever,

Promise me that you will leave me never.

Here and now,dear,All my love I vow,dear,

Promise me that you will leave me never.

I will love you longer than forever.

Now that we are one (my darling),

Clouds won't hide the sun (my love),

Blue skies of Hawaii smile on this, our wedding day,

I do (I do )love you (love you )with all my heart.