About how to have a happy marriage
Almost everyone wants to have a happy marriage, but there is one important thing that people should know, that marriage is different with have a love affair, in marriage, people usually are not fanaticism, so they might have some wrangle, so the first method to have good marriage is to be tolerant which can help you have less problem in your marriage. Furthermore, people should consider others (wife/husband), so the other will not has much complain to you. Finally, please remember never forget the other, remember that family is more important than work. If people can basically follow the three rules above, they probably will have a happy marriage.
Almost everyone wants to have a happy marriage, but there is one important thing that people should know, that marriage is different with have a love affair, in marriage, people usually are not fanaticism, so they might have some wrangle, so the first method to have good marriage is to be tolerant which can help you have less problem in your marriage. Furthermore, people should consider others (wife/husband), so the other will not has much complain to you. Finally, please remember never forget the other, remember that family is more important than work. If people can basically follow the three rules above, they probably will have a happy marriage.
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