S: that day you came, i can't wait anymore
中:that day you came, i don't have to find you anymore
S: when it's sunrise, we are putting efforts in different places, until dark hearing your voice makes me sweet
中:when it's sunrise, you are belong to everyone, until dark, my shoulder is for you
S: we face everyone's notice but we still love each other deeply
中: we faced many people's questioning but we keep putting efforts gently
S: because I know that I love you
中:because i know that it's worthwhile
S: what a beautiful world!
中: is the world really that beautiful?
S: what a beautiful world!
中: is the world really that beautiful?
S: afterward, God is testing us. He gave me pains, gave us puzzle suprises and he allows you see the unhappiness of me.
中:I don't know why God is hurting you, he allows me to see clearer my responsible to you and he allows me to feel how much you wanted me.
S: In fact if without you I won't be have so much pain because I am worrying about you are worrying of me and I am affraid you will not wait for me again.
中:If without you, I won't be knowing anything. In the first place, I fell in love with your beautiful outlook, but the beauty is not just your outlook.
S: during the process you are with me, you tears allow me to know we are sharing pains.
I am always selfish that you have to cry with me, share out bitterness
中:during the process, I see you, my tears explained the weakness
I desperately tell jokes that is not funny
To let you know your smile is sweet us usual.
S: recently, i couldn't hug you tightly
but I felt I am still close to you as usual
中:recently i don't want to say much words
but despite how long
the following of first day
I would accompany you to walk along
S:I love you
Everything was great in that day
I love you
but I may no longer be the same when...
中:I am here
when every day is not perfect enough
everything will be great
I'm waiting to hold you
and I am waiting for you a long time in the red carpet
S: Baby
I will be good for you
because the rest of my life
I will rely on your shoulder
I'm not a princess
It's you that changed me into a princess
中:I'm not a hero
you are the hero
S: do you love me?
中: of course, and you?
S: I love you
I could marry you today
中: Finally
I could bring you home today
S: I know how happy I am
中: we will be happy
10月31日,成员Selina在30岁生日当天与张承中结婚。才真旺姆是他的证婚人,很多明星,如S,蔡康永,林志玲,吴佩慈和克里斯汀都来祝贺他。Selina,朋友,1981年10月31日出生于台湾省台北市。 台湾省女歌手、演员、主持人, 女子歌唱团体成员。2010年,张承中在《真爱至上》巡回演唱会上向Selina表白。...
Selina婚纱照曝光 公布婚宴菜单等细节
至于800份的喜帖是否要逐一亲笔写下,Selina表示,宾客名单目前都还在规划,在我的体力能负荷之下,我希望我最亲的好友跟亲戚都能收到用手写的喜帖。喜帖选粉红色 白色信封 喜帖内页 精致的喜饼包装 婚宴菜系:Selina为菜色即兴打油诗 同时,Selina也透露婚礼当天的菜色为四道前菜,八道主菜、两道水果...