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求 关于婚姻 爱情 金钱 的英文文章


Money Is Not Everything
Money and Morality
Almost all material things here on earth can be bought with money. Money is a medium of exchange to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. For many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. That's how powerful is money. It can control the mind of an individual.
Many people, because of their obsession to have more money will do anything, even if they have to transfigure people into objects to acquire what they really want. That is why in our economy today, the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. How sad it is to know that kind of reality.
Money can be acquired in many ways. Most people will work to earn money. Some will create a business to accumulate and increase the amount of money they have. In moments of desperation, most people would pawn their jewelry and other belongings to obtain instant money. Some of them would sell their properties and even their structured settlements in order for them to have available cash. The worst thing of all is that a person would risk his own life and dignity by doing a criminal act only to have money. How ironic it is. They think of money as everything to their lives, but they are wrong, absolutely wrong.

The reality that we should embrace is that we need money, but it does not follow that money is the only reason of our existence here on earth. Money is important, but it is not everything. There are many factors that can create fulfillment here on earth, not money alone. They are our family, our friends, and even our new acquaintances. They can help us grow and reach our goals.
Remember that money is only a material thing. It is created for our convenience, but it should be used for good. It is created for us to control; it is not made to control us. Imagine a person has enough money to buy anything and everything that he wants, but can you imagine that with only that resource that such a person could be truly happy and fulfilled?
Money is good but loving it makes it bad. We can work hard to earn more money. We can sell our properties and our other belongings to have money in emergencies. Remember, we should work not only for the reason of receiving but also for the reason of giving. Money is indeed important, but it is not everything.


凯特·莱文森(Kate Levinson)博士在《情感货币》(Emotional Currency)一书中写道,“我们对待金钱的态度都很“有趣”,无论是有钱还是没钱人。”据经常引用的统计数字表明,70%的人离婚是因为经济问题,那么,夫妻可以提前在财务方面做出哪些改变,来巩固长期的婚姻关系? Scott Rick, a marketing professor at the Unive...


31、美好的婚姻是充耳不闻的丈夫,和视而不见的妻子。A美好的 marriage is a husband who ignores and a wife who overlooks.32、婚姻如同穿鞋,舒服不舒服,只有脚知道。Marriage is like wearing shoes; whether they are comfortable or not is known only to the feet.33、爱情是爱情,婚姻归...


46、婚姻就好比桥梁,沟通了两个全然孤寂的世界。 Marriage is like a bridge between two completely lonely worlds. 47、爱情太贵,我又怎么会玩得起。 Love is too expensive, how can I afford it. 48、没有爱情是不会死人的,幻想爱情是会死人的! No love will not die, fantasy love will die! 49、...


5、婚姻最坚韧的纽带不是孩子,不是金钱,而是精神上的共同成长。爱情有时候也是一种义气。杨澜 6、迁就、容忍、屈服、接纳、适应、宽恕、谅解、妥协、韧力、认命,婚姻爱情可训练出“十项全能”。7、你所结婚的对象是你在最脆弱时觉得最适合于你的人。贝里克 8、以爱情为基础的婚姻,乃是人间无可...


关于婚姻的名言 1、要使婚姻长久,就需克服自我中心意识。——拜伦 2、婚姻论财,夷虏之道。——王通 3、没有爱情的婚姻不会得到幸福,而爱情不能用金钱和物质换取。——谚语 4、新人迎来旧人弃,掌上莲花眼中刺。——白居易 5、对待婚姻问题,必须严肃,不要饥不择食,不问**,只看外表,结果弄出很多纠纷,或者...






《爱情与婚姻》——曾仕强 刘君政 《幸福婚姻圣经》——诺曼·莱特 《不抱怨的婚姻:一本改变婚姻命运的生活智慧书》——星汉 《让婚姻赢在起跑点——婚前婚后要了解的七大问题》——(美)帕罗特 《请你做婚姻里的幸福女王》——罗西


1.爱情的天平加上金钱的砝码,就会失去幸福的平衡;买卖婚姻成交的时候,往往就是爱情悲剧的开始。如果把金钱当 情的化身,无疑是把爱情推向绞架。不要在别人的痛苦泪水中去驾驶自己的快乐之舟吧。当你在行使“恋爱自由”权利的时候,请不要忘记遵守起码的社会公德。——陈玉蜀2.金钱可以买“肉体”...


love 英[lʌv] 美[lʌv] ;n. 热爱; 爱情,爱意;疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物;vt. 喜欢;爱,热爱;爱戴;赞美,称赞;vt. 喜欢; 喜爱;喜好;爱慕;第三人称单数:loves 复数:loves 现在分词:loving 过去式:loved过去分词:loved 例句:1、Our love for each ...