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Nowadays, it’s very common to see that some university students fall in love at campus. Most of the time, they do everything together. They have meals together, study by themselves in free time at classroom together and so on. But some of them behave closely at public occasion. Even they embrace or kiss at public place. In their opinion, love can be regarded as a drive in their studies, and they study even harder with the help of their boyfriend or girlfriend. And some of their thoughts are very laughable and childish. They see their friends or classmates fall in love. Then they also want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

However, most teachers and parents maintain that love will negatively influence university students. They think that university students are not mature enough. They will no longer concentrate on their study once they fall in love.

I think university students should approach love carefully. First, as a student, our main duty is study. University is different from middle school and other training schools. It is a freedom place. It likes a small society. You can have more spare time, but you should learn how to manage yourself. No one will to retrain you anytime. So in the free environment, you can study a lot of knowledge and master them. Having a love affair will occupy some of our studying time. As we know, the time is limited for us. And studying at campus may be the last chance which we accept higher education. It is very precious. So we must value the rare opportunity. And we must learn knowledge and our attitudes towards life as much as possible for our future.


就因为在大学里失=过=恋,就能禁受得起那些挫折,使自己变的坚强。 大学里谈恋爱不好的地方就是花=些=钱了,你说还有什么呢。 楼上所说的会浪费时间,这怎么可能呢,大学里本来就很轻松,哪有没有学习的时间呢,很多在做兼职的人成绩很好很好,难道谈恋爱的...


一、孔子说:“饮食男女,人之大欲存焉!”圣人都这么说了,现在大家都成年了,为什么学校让我们吃饭喝水,却不让我们搞男女关系呢? 二、大学处于人生步入社会的过渡期,这个时候谈恋爱,有没有过多的生活压力,也不会像大学之前完全没有压力。是一个人学会成熟学会责任的最好...

