婚纱的由来 英文版简介
Wedding is around the world since the ancient times is a ritual that, but the bride at the wedding dress is less than 200 years of history. The prototype of the wedding dress should be traced back to 1700 BC to 1700 BC in ancient Greece, the three generations of your dynasty aristocratic women wear in the chest, sleeves to the elbow, bosom, waist by the cord in the breast, in bell dress, under the tight fit clothing. Today mopping the hem of the bride wore white gauze dress was Catholic ceremony take. Since ancient European countries is clerical U.S.A, people get married must go to the church for the priest or a pastor's prayer and blessing, so as to calculate the formal legal marriage, so, the ceremony the bride wear white suit to god said sincere and pure. The west in the 19th century, when the girls get married bridal gowns worn by the not unified color specifications, until around 1820, white only gradually becomes a popular wedding dress color. This is because the British queen Victoria wore a white elegant wedding gown at the wedding. From then on, the white wedding dress has become a kind of formal wedding dress, now, some people do not understand the origin of the wedding dress, his ingenuity, the bride's wedding dress made of pink or light blue color, to show gorgeous. In fact, according to western customs, only married women, the wedding dress can use pink or light blue wait for color, as distinguished from marriage.
Wedding is around the world since the ancient times is a ritual that, but the bride at the wedding dress is less than 200 years of history. The prototype of the wedding dress should be traced back to 1700 BC to 1700 BC in ancient Greece, the three generations of your dynasty aristocratic women wear in the chest, sleeves to the elbow, bosom, waist by the cord in the breast, in bell dress, under the tight fit clothing. Today mopping the hem of the bride wore white gauze dress was Catholic ceremony take. Since ancient European countries is clerical U.S.A, people get married must go to the church for the priest or a pastor's prayer and blessing, so as to calculate the formal legal marriage, so, the ceremony the bride wear white suit to god said sincere and pure. The west in the 19th century, when the girls get married bridal gowns worn by the not unified color specifications, until around 1820, white only gradually becomes a popular wedding dress color. This is because the British queen Victoria wore a white elegant wedding gown at the wedding. From then on, the white wedding dress has become a kind of formal wedding dress, now, some people do not understand the origin of the wedding dress, his ingenuity, the bride's wedding dress made of pink or light blue color, to show gorgeous. In fact, according to western customs, only married women, the wedding dress can use pink or light blue wait for color, as distinguished from marriage.
婚纱的由来 英文版简介
Wedding is around the world since the ancient times is a ritual that, but the bride at the wedding dress is less than 200 years of history. The prototype of the wedding dress should be traced back to 1700 BC to 1700 BC in ancient Greece, the three generations of your dynasty...
婚纱由来 (英文简介)
婚纱的由来一 婚礼虽是世界各国自古以来就存在的仪式,但新娘在婚礼上穿婚纱的历史却不到200年时间。新娘所穿的下摆拖地的白纱礼服远是天主教徒的典礼服。由于古代欧洲一些国家是政教合一的国体,人们结婚必须到教堂接受神父或牧师的祈祷与祝福,这样才能酸正式的合法婚姻,所以,新娘穿上白色的典礼服向...
英文:wedding pictures ; wedding dress photos 婚纱照由来:在西方,新娘所穿的下摆拖地的礼服原是天主教徒的典礼服。由于古代欧式一些国家是正教合一的国体,人们结婚必须到教堂接受神父或牧师的祈祷与祝福,这样才能算正式的合法婚姻。所以,新娘穿上典礼服向神表示真诚与纯洁。4.婚纱照的重要性:女孩...
花童,又称小傧相,是西式婚礼仪式上为新娘托婚纱或者在两位新人前面抛洒花瓣的小女孩(一般只有4到5岁)或者小男孩(一般5到6岁)。英文名flower girl或flower boy。中文的花童就是由此英译过来的。婚礼花童的由来 婚礼配花童这个观念源自于一种信仰,传说每当有新人举行婚礼时,便会有嫉妒新人...
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英文名:JOSEPH ( 小名 JOE ) 韩文名:정원창 性别:男 身高:1米88 体重:76公斤 出生年月:1982年6月19日{早上出生} 出生地:台 中市北屯区 语言:国语,英语,韩语,日语 星座:双子座 血型:O型 鞋号:12/44(台版) 三围:40.32.39 (可能有改变哦) 小指长:7.5公分 家庭成员:爸、妈、姊 喜欢颜色:白...
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