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Marriage or wedlock is an interpersonal relationship (usually intimate and sexual) with governmental, social, or religious recognition. It is often created as a contract or through civil processes. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution.

The most common form of marriage unites a man and a woman as husband and wife.[1][2] Other forms of marriage also exist: for example, polygamy—in which a person takes more than one spouse (marriage partner)—is common in many societies.[3] In some jurisdictions civil marriage has been expanded to include same-sex marriage.[4]

People marry for many reasons, but usually one or more of the following: legal, social and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love; or to obtain citizenship.[5][6]

A marriage is often declared by a wedding ceremony,[7] which may be performed either by a religious officiator, by a secular government-sanctioned officiator, or (in weddings that have no church or state affiliation) by a trusted friend of the wedding participants. The act of marriage usually creates obligations between the individuals involved, and in many societies, their extended families.




By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have als...

求关于 中西方家庭观的对比 的英语论文 或者 英语资料,多多益善,不甚感激。

刘清雪在其论文《Understanding Different Cultural Patterns or Orientations Between East and West》中,详细分析了中西方文化在家庭观念上的异同。通过对比,他指出东方家庭倾向于强调集体主义和家庭责任,而西方家庭则更注重个人自由和个人成就。刘清雪的论文为理解跨文化家庭观念提供了宝贵的视角。Andrew Cr...


好吧,中西方文化最好能从小处写,这有范文一篇 Eastern Culture VS Western Culture The world we live in is composed of an immense diversity of different cultures. One of the main contrasts within this diversity of cultures is the differences between the East and West. Eastern and West...

大学生求一篇 英语论文 对比中西方男女平等 提纲和论文 谢谢大侠们

Where was a time when, if a lady got into a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up and bring to offer his seat. But now, things are different. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window,or if he feels a bit shy, hide behind his newspa...


跨文化交际英语的论文篇1 浅谈在跨文化交际中关注中西方差异 论文摘 要:由于中西方文化存在着截然不同的传统和风俗习惯,人们的生活方式,思维习惯,价值观念,语言习惯等都有很大差别,很多日常行为在日常的交际活动中也存在着明显的差异。在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事屡见不鲜,这严重影响了社会的和谐和交往的顺利...


1. Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism). For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own self. This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are ...


英语本科毕业论文题目【1】 1 从《远离尘嚣》看偶然与巧合 2 从亨伯特看纳博科夫的流亡观 3 透过餐具看中西方饮食文化 4 从女性主义角度解读《太阳照常升起》中的女主角——勃莱特 5 从文化视角探讨隐喻的翻译 6 从生态批评角度看威廉·福克纳的《熊》中人与自然的关系 7 从功能对等角度分析常用英语修辞格...


所以阿拉伯的婚礼又称为“恸哭”,当然这与我所谈论的服装无关。 四.而西方的婚礼风俗则是浪漫式的,婚礼重在礼而不在乎排场。婚前礼节也没那么复杂。一切都爱轻松自在的气氛下进行。而结婚在西方国家也是各国有各国的独特的方式。如:法国的白色为婚礼的主色调。无论是布置用的鲜花,...


中西方的文化差异还表现在诸多方面,但简单加以概括其实并不复杂:反映到思维方式上是抽象和具象的差别,反映到生活态度上则似乎可以理解为西方人更加实用,而 人则多少更偏重一些精神感受。比如把法语单词和中文文字加以比较,这一点就很明显。 文字造词多注重形象,而法文里更多地注重考虑的是实用价值。像中文里的...

中西服饰文化差异英语论文 急!! 200字就行!!最好翻译一下也行

第一部分主要介绍了中西服饰的不同特征以及为什么人要穿衣服,第二部分写中西方服饰的差异,第三部分写导致中西方服饰文化差异的原因,第四部分则写中西方服饰审美文化和着装理念。通过以上简单的论述,最后得出结论,中西方服饰文化各具有丰富的内涵和鲜明的特色,她们都是人类祖先留下来的宝贵文化遗产 ,是世界文化的瑰宝。