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结婚 英语怎么说


get married

to marry to get married

change one's condition get married matrimony marry marriage make a match of it spouse spousal Wed. wedding wedded go to the world get spliced jump the broom step off the carpet accouple

Get marry.


结婚英语可以说成 "Get married" 或 "Marry"。关于婚姻的英语单词包括:- Marriage:婚姻 - Couple:夫妻 - Husband:丈夫 - Wife:妻子 - Wedding:婚礼 - Divorce:离婚 英语祝福语示例:1. May your marriage be as beautiful as your love.2. Congratulations on your special day, may your ...

“结婚”的英语怎么说?你只会说“get married”吗?

首先,"结婚"的基本英语表达有:1)get married,如"When did he get married?",2)marry sb.,如"It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jack."此外,婚礼可以用wedding来表示,如"I didn't receive the invitation to his wedding."在婚姻相关的词汇中,有"shotgun marriage"(奉子成婚)...



结婚用英语怎么说 结婚用英语如何说

1、结婚英语的说法是:marry,读音为:英 [ˈmæri]、美 [ˈmæri]。2、例句:It always seemed as though they would get married. 意思是:他们一直仿佛是要结婚似的。


结婚 marry get married marry up 以上

“结婚”的英语怎么说?你只会说“get married”吗?

1. "get married"是结婚最直接的表达,例如询问"你是什么时候结婚的?" 或者表示"我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。"2. 婚姻的不同阶段也有特定的英语表达,如求婚"propose to sb.",如"他什么时候向你求的婚?" 和订婚"be engaged to sb.",比如"我们一定要庆贺你订婚。"3. 当谈到离婚,divorce...


get married marry up marry 希望采纳


marry或get married

“结婚”的英语怎么说?你只会说“get married”吗?

离婚在英语中用“divorce”表示,如“Numerous marriages end in divorce.”描述婚姻的终结。此外,还可以用“go separate ways”,“break up”或“split up”来表达,如“27岁时苏与丈夫决定分道扬镳”。再婚则用“remarry”来表达,如“Many divorced men remarry and have second families.”了解...


marriage;marry;;get married;;marry up; couple; make a match of it