急求一篇结婚的好处英语短文? 希望各位高手帮帮忙,万分感谢!!!
结婚还有许多点点滴滴的好处,全在于你的体会。The benefits of marriage depends on: someone accompany you eat and watch TV, sleep and entertainment ~ ~, much less lonely ji mo, a many lively. Eat if not priority, is not a trifle. Oneself a people eat, often feel they don't know what to eat well, literally bad and buy something eat satisfied went; But two men eat together, have a meal of the time is fixed, have the law, will not hunger meal, full meal, Eat contents are relatively rich, can change the pattern to eat, eat a menu of the variable.
The benefits of marriage also lies in: you can have both a little of their own, and common birth, cultivate your children. When you really for father, or motherhood, looked at the baby was born and grew up a little bit, you will create for himself a such lovely life and full of achievement and pride.
1 让你有个栖息的港湾
2 是爱情的归宿
3 有个美满幸福的家庭 有自己的孩子 妻子
4 让你生活的更有动力 更有责任感
5 享受生活的美妙和幸福
6 平平淡淡才是真 深切体会到婚姻生活带给你乐趣
7 你有了你的下一代 有了后人 当听到你的孩子哇哇哭第一声时 这难道不是最幸福的吗
1 let you have a habitats of harbour
2 love is ending
3 there is a happy happy family have children of his own wife
4 let your life more motivated more responsib1y
5 enjoy life's wonderful and happiness
6 flatly light is really deeply realize the marriage life bring you joy
7 you have your next generation had when I hear your child posterity crying for his first sound when this isn't the most happy
急求一篇结婚的好处英语短文? 希望各位高手帮帮忙,万分感谢!!!
针对“跟自己喜欢的还是跟自己门当户对的人结婚”的英语辩论 6分钟 正反两方各三分钟 急求!!!
1、i think married with our true love is very important for us.if there is not love we must not lead a happy life when you are married.so love is most important for marriage.2、on the contrast ,be matched for marriage can be live easily.because they have equal status....
爱情关系可以提高一个人的自尊心,可以让你感觉到生活更有意义,因为爱情能够让你发现,其实你有着无人可比的独特性,虽然你有优点也有缺点,但是你的独特性使你受到无比的尊重,生命也因此更有价值。 第六种 占有欲 爱情是绝对独占的,是不能与他人分享其亲密的男女关系,因此,当爱情从不确定走向稳定后,需要以婚姻来...
I think there are more disadvantages than advantages .I think the love in the colleges is only an entertaining product of loneliness.As we all know,when most college students start to love,love is not what they expect it is not the start-point of them.They love for an accomp...
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5篇英语小短文7 年级的 急求!!!!!!!!!!
英语笑话 1 A little boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?The father replied: I don 't know son. I 'm still paying!!一个小男孩问他的爸爸,结婚要花多少钱?爸爸说:我不知道,因为我仍然在付帐。2 A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils ...