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Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. The bride's dress is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness. Marriage to the church to the whole wedding ceremony is the most important link. First, as the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her father's hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other. The bride spent the hands of the ball were not ordinary furnishings. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guests arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is a married person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end.

China is different from the wedding on the West, the entire wedding's main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours. This change will enable the wedding jubilation. In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf. While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along. Palanquin bride rode in the red, the groom on horseback in front, with matchmaking and Yingqing teams to the groom's house in Baitang. Parents sitting on the two sides appear, and appear next married bride and groom. Entire wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command , a bride and groom Baitiande, Xiabai GAO Tang, and then a husband and wife Baidoa, into the bridal chamber.Noisy wedding is the climax of wedding, the bride and groom first to wait for the wedding, the groom and guests on the outstanding hospitality, Jiujufanbao, in a lot of the groom greeted came to the wedding. everybody started Noisy wedding, the bride and groom all stirred up trouble in the next game…… do all this in a whole wedding laughter ended.

By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have also formed their own characteristics wedding customs. Though, have different customs, but no matter where the wedding was all full of blessings and laughter.



By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have als...


1. Chinese weddings are traditionally more formal and serious, whereas Western weddings are generally more relaxed and joyful. These differing wedding customs reflect the cultural nuances between various regions.2. One of the most显著 differences in wedding customs between China and the Wes...


and the bride can only wear red clothes to get married.在中西方婚礼习俗里最大差别是颜色,在我们 红色被誉为是喜庆、热闹、吉利、兴盛的。在结婚当天主要以红颜色为主,各类物品上都是必须要粘着颜色为大红的“囍”字的,新娘更是以大红色为中心,新娘子只可以穿红色的衣服出嫁。In western ...


Differences Between Chinese Marriage Custom and Western Marriage Custom 中西方婚俗的差异AbstractThere are many procedures in Chinese marriage custom. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage includes six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, as...


Chinese and Western culture in Marriage 1.In China when the man gets paid all the money goes to the woman account and she will sort out the bills. In western they thought a couple should share all responsibilities together.2 In China people marry at home , but in west people...


also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding,you must prepare money,time and capacity for alcohol.还有以下三个网页中的内容应该会对你的这篇小作文有所帮助和提示~关于 婚礼风俗:关于西方婚礼风俗:关于中、西婚礼风俗异同:


A wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage or a similar institution. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple...


中式婚礼:Chinese traditional wedding is an important part of Chinese culture.( 传统婚礼是华夏文化的重要部分。)It is one of the quintessence of Chinese traditional culture.(是汉传统文化精粹之一。)Red sedan chair, baitiandi, hatchback, wearing "phoenix coronet xia pei, first rank ...


新郎新娘在大家的起哄下做各种游戏……这样整个婚礼就在一片笑声中结束了。通过研究中西方婚礼的差异,我了解了他们各自的特点:西方的婚礼是纯洁浪漫的,而 的婚礼是喜气洋洋的;西方的婚礼看重的是感觉,而 看重的是仪式。中西方由于他们的风俗习惯不同,也就形成了有各自特点的婚礼风俗.虽然有着不同...


【中西方婚礼的差异】Chinese weddings ? Chinese wedding customs are still maintained traditional style. Chinese wedding wearing a red cheongsam. The Chinese regard the color red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, faith and growth. They like red very much, which comes from worship of the...