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EMINEM喜欢上了一个模特,是在美国著名的CHAIEL高级酒吧认识的,两个人在热恋之中,那个女孩子疯狂爱上了EMINEM,愿意为他再生个孩子。EMINEM和KIM的故事很离奇。据说EMINEM在成名前很缺钱,两个人的日子很难过。KIM为了他努力在外面工作,有次因为连续的疲劳工作,在街上昏倒了。事后EMINEM很难过,但这也激发了他的灵感,创作了人生第一支被人传唱的曲子,歌名叫SLOW TIME。最新的时代杂志在采访这位白人说唱歌手时双方谈到,EMIENM说他虽然退役了,但仍然会出一张新专集,而不是什么精选。他说这张唱片将会比EMINEM SHOW更加卖座,会让流行天王MICHAEL JACKSON从此变成他的俘虏,也就是粉丝的意思。


Marshall Mathers III(阿姆的真名)跟他高中女朋友Kim Scott复婚了。


1999年他在The Slim Shady 这张著名专辑的歌词中幻想他和女儿杀死他妻子并且毁尸灭迹的过程。和Eminem同年的Kim在13岁时被Eminem的母亲收养。她未婚先孕,1995年圣诞节为Eminem生下女儿Hallie,1996年结婚。后来不知出于什么原因,Eminem认为她背叛了自己,在说唱中给予攻击。《Kim》(The Marshall Mathers LP/ 2000)更是构造出杀害妻子的虚构情节。在歌中他歇斯底里近乎绝望地唱到:“So long. Bitch you did me so wrong. I don't wanna go on. Livin' in this world without you.”妻子不堪忍受,曾试图 未遂,2001年双方离婚。


Rapper and his longtime on-again, off-again muse calls it quits for a second time.

Like most encore performances, the Eminem-Kim remarriage was brief.

The Detroit rapper filed divorce papers today, less than three months after remarrying his high school sweetheart Kim Scott. The Macomb County clerk's office in Michigan confirmed the filing.

Eminem--real name Marshall Mathers III--remarried Kim Scott on January 14, one month after the rapper told a Detroit radio station that the couple was back together.

The move marked a turnaround from what was long regarded as an exceedingly strained relationship. The couple's first marriage, which began in June 1999, ended two-plus years later in October 2001 in an ugly legal fight over custody of their daughter Hailie, now 10.

Eminem's turbulent relationship with Kim has long been a lyrical inspiration for the rapper. On his debut album, 1999's The Slim Shady LP, he rapped about killing Kim and disposing of her body, complete with a visual of a woman's body in the trunk of a car parked on a pier on the album's cover. One year later on The Marshall Mathers LP, Eminem described killing Kim in graphic detail.

According to the Detroit News, Eminem's filing cites as reasons for the divorce "a breakdown in the marriage relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed."

It also shows that the couple had a prenuptial agreement but did not include details. Also mentioned in the filing is the fact that Kimberley Anne Mathers is not pregnant.

The filing indicates that he and Kim are "fit and proper persons to have joint legal and physical custody" of Hailie.
