UK: Britain at the traditional wedding, the bride will be holding a symbol of good luck of Zantedeschia. If the newcomers live in the neighboring church, the guests have to walk with the ceremony to enter the church, and was on his way orange flower shaman. Many British people's wedding was held at noon, and then arranged a lunch meeting, called the wedding meal. The British-style wedding cake made by a large number of fruit and cake decorated with broken flat surface of peach kernel, the top floor there is "the birth of the bottle" of Italy, will be retained to the first birth.
the guests have to walk with the ceremony to enter the church, and was on his way orange flower shaman. Many British people's wedding was held at noon,
二人交换戒指.通常把戒指戴在左手无名指上,这是一个古老的风俗.After the ceremony there is often a party, called a reception,which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.礼仪过后,通常会有宴会,叫"喜宴".宴会给参加婚礼的人一个向新婚夫妇祝贺的机会.The car in...
用英语介绍英国 最好有中文翻译
俄罗斯 婚礼习俗 英文 介绍
1 Traditional wedding rituals 1.1 Paying the ransom 1.2 Traditional ceremony 1.2.1 Betrothal 1.2.2 Crowning 1.3 Civil ceremony 1.4 Tour of the city 1.5 Reception 2 External links[edit] Traditional wedding rituals Peasant Wedding in the Tambov guberniya, 1880 A friend of the bride who is alre...
翻译:红色是 婚礼的惯例 的婚礼是一个非常特别的日子, 无处不在 充满着明亮的红色的桌布、人情、衣服、丝带和更多。这是因为红色代表了幸福和繁荣。 有许多的习俗,但今天,许 多 新娘 更多 喜欢 西方的现代传统,如穿白色的礼服,而不是一个红色的婚纱。婚礼当天上午拥有许多活动...
薰衣草flowerusually有一些地方在爱尔兰婚礼;听到钟声。德国传统婚礼的一些最有趣的和有趣的参与。一个传统的婚礼一天在德国实际上可以持续三天。第一天,新娘和新郎婚礼。次日,“所有”(闹婚之夜)客人打破旧盘子,夫妻必须把碎片扫起来一起。第三天定为宗教仪式的婚礼 纯手工翻译,希望可以帮到你哦~~~...
用英文描述一个你参加过的婚礼 并附上中文翻译
传统婚礼习俗 在 传说中,月老用红线把注定要成为夫妻的男女的脚踝绑在一起。因此,无论他们相隔多远,最终都会结为夫妻...求婚与订婚 两家选择一个吉日作为订婚日。这是双方父母正式见面的时候。男方家会送上代表生育和繁荣的礼物,也称为“大礼”。这样,双方就正式订婚了。婚前习俗 订婚之后,...
用英文介绍美式婚礼 做演讲用 三分钟左右 最好有中文翻译