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the guests have to walk with the ceremony to enter the church, and was on his way orange flower shaman. Many British people's wedding was held at noon,


friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them. And then the couple go on their honeymoon.新郎新娘乘坐汽车离开教堂,汽车上装饰有气球,彩色纸带,刮须膏之类的东西."新婚燕尔"几个字常写在汽车后的行李箱上或后玻璃窗上.新娘新郎从婚礼客人撒下的雨点般的生大米中跑...


Wedding ThingsTomorrow, my little auntie is going to marry. So I have checked some interesting things about wedding for every pals here. I hope you will get more fun here. And I wish, my little auntie, the happiest bride of tomorrow, will get happiness of her lifetime. God ...

俄罗斯 婚礼习俗 英文 介绍

求俄罗斯婚礼习俗的英文介绍,我要做一个ppt,可惜网上找不到英文的,全是中文的,自己翻译水平烂啊,求高手... 求俄罗斯婚礼习俗的英文介绍,我要做一个ppt,可惜网上找不到英文的,全是中文的,自己翻译水平烂啊,求高手 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?daniel晨 2013-03-31 · T...




现在中式传统婚礼越来越受到大家的欢迎,很多外国朋友也对我们的传统婚礼感到莫大的兴趣。介绍中式婚礼的英文书教你中式传统婚礼用英语怎么介绍。 介绍中式婚礼的英文书(附翻译)Red is Customary for a Chinese Wedding A Chinese wedding is a very special occasion filled with bright red color ever...


full of charm and reflect the secular characteristics of the wedding place impressive. Only once at the church once the wedding has a very long period of time, the only wedding held at the church was recognized as legally married in Greece. Since the Kingdom of Greece was establi...

用英文描述一个你参加过的婚礼 并附上中文翻译

传统婚礼习俗 在 传说中,月老用红线把注定要成为夫妻的男女的脚踝绑在一起。因此,无论他们相隔多远,最终都会结为夫妻...求婚与订婚 两家选择一个吉日作为订婚日。这是双方父母正式见面的时候。男方家会送上代表生育和繁荣的礼物,也称为“大礼”。这样,双方就正式订婚了。婚前习俗 订婚之后,...


By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have ...

用英语介绍英国 最好有中文翻译
