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中西方结婚习俗差别 英文版

In China, surnames are always given first. A man named as Wang Xin, for instance, should be called as Mr. Wang, instead of Mr. Xin.In western cultures, Surnames are given last.
东方人的姓在前, 西方姓在后, 名在前.

A married woman always retains her maiden name.However, this is different in western cultures where a married woman usually take the last name of her husband.
人结婚后保留自己的姓, 西方女人一般跟丈夫姓

Asian grooms pick up their brides before the wedding starts while it is unlucky in western culture for the groom to see the bride before the wedding starts.
亚洲新郎婚礼前会去接新娘, 西方文化说的是新郎新娘在婚礼前是不能见面的, 会倒霉.

Asian weddings are often festive in a banquet hall filled with high-spirited activities and handing out money while western weddings are quiet often celebrated in a church or park.
东方婚比较热闹,有很多礼仪, 像是给钱什么的, 西方婚礼比较安静,没有收钱的习惯一般, 在教堂, 公园等等地方举行

asian brides traditionally wear red while western brides wear white carrying something new, something old, something blue, something borrowed.

中方新娘传统是穿红色, 西方传统穿白色, 要携带一样新的东西, 一样旧的东西, 一样蓝色的东西, 一样借的东西.


and the bride can only wear red clothes to get married.在中西方婚礼习俗里最大差别是颜色,在我们 红色被誉为是喜庆、热闹、吉利、兴盛的。在结婚当天主要以红颜色为主,各类物品上都是必须要粘着颜色为大红的“囍”字的,新娘更是以大红色为中心,新娘子只可以穿红色的衣服出嫁。In western ...


By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have als...


The difference between Chinese and Western wedding customs

西方人结婚风俗中的something blue是指什么

1. Something Old - 这代表新娘穿戴的母亲或其他长辈在婚礼上穿戴过的服饰或配饰,如首饰或头饰。这象征着家族的连续性和传统的传承。2. Something New - 这通常是指新娘收到的新婚礼物,如饰品或婚纱。它象征着新生活的开始和美好的未来。3. Something Borrowed - 这个习俗要求新娘从亲友那里借一样...


通过研究中西方婚礼的差异,我了解了他们各自的特点:西方的婚礼是纯洁浪漫的,而 的婚礼是喜气洋洋的;西方的婚礼看重的是感觉,而 看重的是仪式。中西方由于他们的风俗习惯不同,也就形成了有各自特点的婚礼风俗.虽然有着不同的习俗,但是无论是哪里的婚礼都充满了祝福和笑声。The wedding of west ...

西方人结婚风俗中的something blue是指什么

西方人结婚风俗中的something blue是指婚礼上新娘要穿戴一些蓝色的小饰物或是用蓝色的花束,寓意新娘的贞洁和纯洁。西式的婚礼和中式婚礼有不同之处,但是它的一些传统习俗也是祝福和吉祥的寓意。除了something blue以外,还有Something Old ,意思是穿戴母亲结婚时穿过的婚纱或是首饰、头饰,表达一种传承美好...


国外婚宴习俗1.大部分的西方国家中,在吃了极为丰富的一餐后(传统上是由新娘家来支付费用),出席婚礼的人会致祝福词。传统上致词的人包括有新娘的父亲、首席伴郎(the best man,通常大家会期待他说一些调侃新人的笑话)、然后最后是新郎。在现代美国婚宴中,致词者通常是首席伴郎和首席伴娘(the maid ...


Wedding ThingsTomorrow, my little auntie is going to marry. So I have checked some interesting things about wedding for every pals here. I hope you will get more fun here. And I wish, my little auntie, the happiest bride of tomorrow, will get happiness of her lifetime. God ...


提到婚礼(wedding ceremony),我们就容易想到新娘的服饰(wedding dress)、婚纱 (wedding veil)、新郎抱新娘过门槛(carrying the bride over the threshold),结婚戒指(wedding ring)都是戴在左手的无名指上,新娘拿花、新娘站在新郎的左边等习俗,可是你了解这些习俗的起源吗?新娘服饰的习俗可追溯到维多利亚...

西方婚俗中新娘出嫁的时候要有四样东西:旧,新,蓝 ,借。这借来的东西是像谁借?

Something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue .“有旧、有新、有借、有蓝”的婚礼习俗已经有好几百年的历史了。许多新娘在她们举行婚礼的当天都曾被问到是否已经备好了那些“有旧、有新、有借、有蓝”的服饰,以穿戴它们缓缓走过教堂内的通道。穿戴这每一件服饰的传统据说各有其...