每对新人都渴望着拍摄一组外景婚纱照,拍外景更能拍得出真实、唯美的一面,看着婚纱照片就可以让人大为赏心悦目。眼看着寒冷的冬天来临,选择在户外拍摄80后结婚照的新人们,拍婚纱照要注意什么呢?第一,上身尽量不要穿高领的秋衣,最好选择V领的可以单穿的长袖衣服代替秋衣。第二,下身如果选择的婚纱是短款露腿的,那么下身就必须穿与肤色同色的长袜。第三,鞋子最好是选择高跟,可以让新娘显得更修长。穿靴子也可以,只要是拍摄时露不出小腿的都没 有问题的,这样可以暖和一点。第四,鞋子最好是选择高跟,可以让新娘显得更修长。穿靴子也可以,只要是拍摄时露不出小腿的都没 有问题的,这样可以暖和一点。不用考虑那么多啦,我下个也要拍婚纱照,可是我选择的曲洋摄影早就告诉我应该注意什么,服务非常好,我很喜欢,我很多朋友都是在那里拍的,非常不错,你去那里看看吧!现在那里好像在搞活动,不要错过了呢!
5 Simple Steps to Posting Your First eBay Auction.
It's surprisingly simple to get started posting your very first auction on eBay. Here's what you need to do.
Step 1: Open an eBay seller's account.
If you've bought things on eBay, then you already have an account - just log in with it and click 'Sell' in the toolbar at the top of the page, then click 'Create a seller's account'. If you've never used eBay before, then you'll need to open an account first using the 'register' link underneath the toolbar, and then click 'Sell' and 'Create a seller's account'. The eBay site will then guide you through the process. For security, this may involve giving card details and bank information.
Step 2: Decide what to sell.
For your first little experiment with eBay, it doesn't really matter what you sell. Take a look around the room you're in - I'm sure there's something in there that you're not all that attached to and could put in the post. Small books and CDs are ideal first items.
Step 3: Submit your item.
Click 'Sell', and you're on your way to listing your item.
The first thing you need to do is choose a category - it's best to just type in what the item is and let eBay choose for you. Next, write a title and description. Include key words you think people will search for in the title box, and all the information you have about the item in the description box.
Now set a starting price. $0.01 is the best starting price, as it draws people in to bid who otherwise wouldn't, and items will almost never finish at such a low price. The next thing to set is the duration of the auction: 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. This is up to you: longer sales will usually get more bids, but will also seem to drag on forever. If you've taken a picture, add it now - items with pictures always sell for more. Finally, tick the payment methods you will accept (just PayPal is best for now), and where you will post to (limit yourself to your own country to begin with). Submit and you're done!
Step 4: Wait for it to sell.
This is just a matter of sitting back and letting eBay do its thing - buyers will find your item and leave bids on it. Some bidders might email you with questions about the item, and you should do your best to answer these questions as quickly as you can.
Remember that if your item doesn't sell then you can list it again for free.
Step 5: Collect payment and post it.
eBay will sent your buyer emails guiding them through the process of sending you payment for the item. Make sure you have the money before you send anything.
Once you've got the payment, all you need to do is pack the item for posting (make sure to use some bubble wrap), take the buyer's address from the confirmation email eBay sent you, and write it on the parcel. Put some stamps on, post it, and you're done!
I hope you enjoyed selling your first item. Now that you're starting to get into it, the next email will give you a checklist of things you need to do to be a successful seller.
注意千万不要直接粘在皮肤上,不然会烫伤皮肤。不过新人们要注意的是,因为拍婚纱照的时候秋衣是需要脱掉的,暖宝宝粘在身上或者婚纱上都行不通。所以最好的办法就是穿一件带弹力的小短背心,将暖宝宝粘在背心外,确保身体的温暖。四、防晒护肤 不要认为寒冷的冬季就不需要防晒了,虽然是冬天,但是...
9.冬季外景地比较冷,如果没有一定的保暖措施,准新娘们会因为受冻很难发挥自然,座椅一定要准备好暖宝宝。婚纱里面也可以穿紧身的保暖裤 准新郎们必须要注意:1. 请自行准备黑皮鞋一双和白袜子。2. 请自行修理颜面,例如刮胡子。共同注意事项:1. 准新人们如果要带眼镜拍摄,那么千万不要戴有色或...
冬季婚纱照拍摄 防寒8大妙招
维纳斯婚纱摄影 冬季拍婚纱照很冷,建议准新娘和新郎们要注意保暖,可采取一些保暖小方法,我给大家整理了8个小技巧:1、建议男士穿保暖内衣,领口不要太高。保暖内衣仅比秋衣略厚一点,一件品质好的保暖内衣,顶两件毛衣。 女士可穿保暖裤,因为冬季拍婚纱是穿着裤子拍的。保暖内衣一般100元左右每套...
拍摄外景婚纱照注意哪些问题 过来人的经验
一、礼服轻便 去户外拍摄婚纱照时所穿的礼服一定要轻巧合身,隆重、拖尾的婚纱礼服对新娘来说实在不方便走动,走在草丛间婚纱特别容易被划破。二、留意天气 不管打算什么时候拍摄,是炎热干燥的夏季还是湿冷多雨的冬季,在拍摄前几天新人都要特别留意拍摄当天的天气情况,及时做好防备。三、避免走入草丛或...