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The differencesbetween Chinese and Western wedding etiquette:
传统俗有“三书六礼”、“三叩九拜”的礼节。 古代婚礼分为六个阶段,俗称“六礼”。
China traditional customof "book", "three at the nine times". Theancient Chinese wedding is divided into six stages, commonlyknown as the "six rites".
Western wedding inthe wedding ring to the woman is the man presented formallyproposed program indispensable. The bride's dress color, whiterepresents pure virgin, yellow is the symbol of love andprosperity.
Chinese wedding: thered bridal wedding procession, the worship of heaven and earth, liftingthe veil, Coronet XIAPEI champion, to love moving, thanksto parents, thanks to friends and family, is a major focusof a Chinese wedding, drink more soup, drink "good wine", havea "family reunion dinner", and "parents oftea"
Western stylewedding, white wedding dress, wear business suits, cake, champagne, throwingthe ball. White is the wedding ceremony the unique main tone, all white flowers willbecome adecoration Western-style wedding of the most popular.
中西式婚礼的优势The advantages of Chinese and Western stylewedding
中式婚礼喜庆、热闹、感动。热闹的场面能充分照顾到新娘新郎以及双方亲友的个人情感,体现出具有 传统意义的文化。
Chinese wedding festive, lively, moved. Livelyscene can fully take care of both friends and relatives to thebride and groom and personal feelings, reflect the traditionalChinese cultural significance.
Western stylewedding is simple, romantic and touching. The priest, and witness his oath, sograve and romantic wedding. Western style wedding pay moreattention to the wedding party.

短文1,西方婚礼(在以下题目中选择一个,你可以用画面),把1 / 2页(如果你已经写了一篇这些主题,写在另外一只):

1。 写三差异和 近代西方婚礼。

2。 描述这种婚礼你也想要和意义的符号(没关系,如果你选择中餐还是西餐)。

3。 描述了怎样用刀和叉(p.359)以及西式菜品过西方的婚宴。

4。 婚礼上描述从开始(引进的婚礼结束(跳舞)。 你可以使用列表和图。






中式婚礼和西式婚礼的区别The difference between Chinese and Western weddings