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Mosuo People Customs & Lugu Lake

The ancient and mysterious "Land of Grace Girls" - Luguhu Lake is situated at the junction of Southwest Sichuan and Northwest Yunnan, 2,685 meters in altitude. The area of lake surface is 52 square kilometers. The quiet and limpid lake is the second deepest one in Yunnan. There is a legend behind the lake. Long long ago, there was no lake. Without any food, a mute girl herded cattle in mountains every day. Then, the villagers found that she ate the meat of big fish that made a quick recovery. Several young men, pulled out the fish by eighteen bulls. Suddenly, the food spewed and submerged the whole village. Only a woman leaped into a manger for raising pigs escaped the catastrophe. After this, the Lugu Lake appeared, in which there are three islands - Ahou, Muhou and Zuosuo.
Near the lake is Mt.Shizi, about 3800meters of the sea level. It is a Mountain Goddess, dominating the agriculture, population and love affairs there.
Around mountains Goddess are mountains of men and they are all the lovers of the goddess. Around the lake, there is an ancient nationality - the Mosuo nationality. Up to now, the Mosuo people retain the vestiges of matriarchal society. Their wedding custom is famous for its strange ceremonies.


The Mosuo people live in log cabins, in the middle of which there is a kitchen range each where fire keeps burning forever. They put food beside the kitchens for worshiping their ancestors.

When boys and girls aged thirteen years old, a ceremony shall be held to celebrate their growing-up. In the ceremony, standing on pork under a column (the upper end being the column of women and the lower end that of men), boys put on leather boots and wear red guimp lace on the waist; girls put on top-knots from ancestors and white pleated skirts. Afterwards, both sides can begin social contacts. Young men are allowed to pursue girls publicly. He can cohabit with a girl on condition that girl approves. In the morning, lots of men come and go. They all come out of their lovers' house. The relation is not steady when they are young. Sons and daughters all live with their mothers and their fathers have no duty to take care of them. When men become old, their nephews support them.

Marriage free - "Azhu" Lovers

Mosuo People are marriage-free. When the Mosuo girls reached 15 years of age, the boys reached 17, they are allowed to start their love affairs. The lovers (Called "Female Azhu" and "male Azhu") found each other freely. Mosuo people are good in singing and dancing. The young people dancing together and singing in Musou language to express their love.

The Musou girl has a special "Azhu" house to meet her lover. Her lover visits her during night and leave at morning.
If the girl wishes to stop the love affair, she closed the door of her "Azhu House" to the man. Then the man will not come again. The love affair is finished. The lovers have no economic or any legal relationship. It is based on mutual love affection only. The wiliness of the females are very respected.

Single Mothers

The children will growing up with their mother and uncles. They inherit their surnames from their mother. They even don't know who is their father.
Woman is the head of the family. Women are in charge of most works in the society.
These "single mothers" are happy. The uncles play the male part in the family and looking after the boys. Such blood connection may be more stable than the love-based marriage & duty. What an unique but wise arrangement.

Adult Ceremony

When the Mosuo children grow to 13 years old, they will through a special "Adult Ceremony" to become the adults.

The "Adult ceremony" always be held on the New Tear's Day. The mother helps the girls to wear beautiful new dresses and jewels. The uncle helps the boys to wear new clothes and waist knifes.

On the Adult Ceremony, the girls stand at the "Female Rank"; the boys stand at the "Male Rank". They keep one fool on the pork meat, one foot on the rice bag - the symbol of a rich life.

After the Adult Ceremony, they are allowed to attend all the adult activities. After 15 years they can meet their lovers.

Religion and Society

The relationships between the members of the Mosuo large families are very nice. They always looking after each other, caring and pay respect & priority to the old people, the illness and disabled people.

The Mosuo people's religion is Nature. The Gamu Mountain is their Goddess Mountain. In August "Turn-Mountain Festival", the Mosuo people will come together, climbing the Gamu Mountain to pay their respects.

After dying Mosuo people usually perform the cremate. They believe that human has the soul, it has to be freed from the dead body and becoming the "Skirt Soul".
They believe that a child has no soul yet, hence if a child died, the body has to be buried.


2,685 meters in altitude. The area of lake surface is 52 square kilometers. The quiet and limpid lake is the second deepest one in Yunnan. There is a legend behind the lake. Long long ago,


摩梭族:Mosuo 宝光寺:Baoguang Temple 自贡国家恐龙地质公园:Zigong NationalGeological 自贡大山铺:Dashanpu of Zigong 武侯祠:Wuhou Temple 九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley 三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui 世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage 都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam 杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Co...

摩梭族 英文怎样说?

应该翻译为Southwest mongolian 摩梭人是兄弟民族对长期生活在西南地区的蒙古人的一个固定称谓。


成年礼:adult etiquette 女儿国 Woman's kingdom 闺房:1. zenana 2. gynaecea 3. harim 4. haram 5. boudoir 6. gynaeceum 火塘:fire pond



摩梭族的民风民俗有哪些 摩梭族的民风民俗简单介绍



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1. 民族概述:摩梭族主要居住在云南省的丽江地区,是一个有着丰富文化和传统的民族群体。他们有着独特的语言、服饰、建筑和生活方式,是 多元民族文化的重要组成部分。2. 摩梭人的特点:摩梭人以其独特的走婚制度而闻名。这种走婚制度是一种非传统的婚姻形式,不涉及财产继承或家族联姻,更多地是基于...

