影片为观众所展示的希腊文化在美国人眼中可能是非常新鲜的。但在任何一个 人看来,这些事物平常的就如同在谈论自己的生活。两种截然不同的文明居然会有如此“默契”,这到是让笔者始料未及。希腊人庞大的家族式生活对讲究宗室、门族的 人来说再熟悉不过。事无大小家族人马齐上阵,荣辱与共的凝聚力和一致对外的排它性 人更加不会陌生。最有意思的是,在对待婚姻的态度上两个民族也是异曲同工。影片女主角托拉的婚姻之所以遭到父母的抵制,其原因不仅是因为违反了家族的约法三章(嫁个希腊人;生一群希腊小孩;然后把每个人都喂饱直至生命结束),更深层次的原因在于这是托拉自我的选择,她并没有事先征求家族的意见。由此我们可以看出,婚姻在希腊人眼中并不只是个人行为,它至少还担负着两个家族间的兴衰,牵动着一干人等的利益,属于不折不扣的“集体行为”。这和我们 人传统中的“合二姓之好,上以事宗庙,而下以继后事也”的婚配思想何等相似。崇尚个性的美国人对这种人生哲学可能只会投以好奇与不解的目光,却永远无法知晓这种用时间浇铸起来的生存智慧竟然还可以在各种迥异的文明中寻觅到不同版本的注解。
The film shows the audience the eyes of the Greek culture in the United States can be very fresh. However, a Chinese person appears on any of these things, like talking about the ordinary life of their own. Why there could be two very different civilizations such a "tacit agreement", which is to allow the author to the unexpected. Greeks huge family life to pay attention to imperial clan, the door ethnic Chinese people familiar. No matter the size of the family who Madhi battle, woe cohesion and consistency in external exclusive Chinese people and will not unfamiliar. The most interesting is that in the attitude towards marriage is similar to the two peoples. Film actress Torah's marriage was the reason why the parents resisted, not only because the family because he had violated a pledge (to marry a Greek; Health and a group of Greek children; and then feed everyone until the end of life), deeper level because it is the Torah's own choice, she did not advance to seek the views of the family. From this we can see that marriage in the eyes of the Greeks not only individual behavior, it is at least responsible for the rise and fall between the two families and affects the interests of the arrested people belong to the letter of the "collective behavior." This is our Chinese tradition of "combining two names a good thing, on the basis of our ancestral temple, and next in order following the funeral also" similar to what the mating idea. Respect for the personality of this American philosophy of life may only cast a curious and puzzled eyes, but you will never know that time spent living together the wisdom of actually casting can also find a variety of very different civilizations to different versions of the Notes.
《Saturday Night Live》中的达雷尔·哈蒙德,《我的超级希腊婚礼》中的安德里亚·马丁以及最最出名的尤金·利维,他那包括两部《美国派》、《当阿呆遇到阿瓜》等许多的喜剧经历,证明自己偶尔也能胜任一把男一号的重任。诸如以上人等都是导演丹尼·戈登所拥有的绿叶级王牌,不过尽管人数不少,但似乎没一...