Greece as the birthplace of ancient civilizations in Europe, is a country full of fairy tale. Greek wedding customs are also very interesting, there is a section of the evolution of twists and turns. Today, with the Greeks in the prevalence of religious color, full of charm and reflect the secular characteristics of the wedding place impressive. Only once at the church once the wedding has a very long period of time, the only wedding held at the church was recognized as legally married in Greece. Since the Kingdom of Greece was established in 1832, the Orthodox Church has always been regarded as the state religion of Greece, the Greek church is more than 100 years for men and women a place to hold the wedding can not be changed. National also announced that a legal form, and only wedding at the church in order to obtain legal recognition. However, since the 70s last century, the Orthodox Church in Greece, the impact of declining to require secular voices rising wedding, the Greek government in July 18, 1982 published a decree, announced that the way to secular and religious ways Marry Marry have equal legal status, thus ending 150 years of Greek religion the way that only legitimate marriage to be traditional practices. Legal recognition of 16-year-old bride in Greece even though the legal age for marriage is 18 years old, but in some circumstances, if parental consent, but also non-mandatory marriage, young people under 18 years of age can still get married. Therefore, marriage in the Greek National Statistics data, there is also a very small part of the age of the bride.
我爱你.你也爱我.好吗 哈哈
Greece as the birthplace of ancient civilizations in Europe, is a country full of fairy tale. Greek wedding customs are also very interesting, there is a section of the evolution of twists and turns. Today, with the Greeks in the prevalence of religious color, full of charm and ...
可能这就是当地的一种习俗文化, 可能在他们看来吐口水可以给新人带来幸福,让他们远离烦恼。
在婚礼习俗中,珠宝扮演着不可或缺的角色。不同国家的婚礼习俗各异,所佩戴的珠宝也各有特色。以下是各个国家婚礼珠宝的差异:1. 希腊:王冠 希腊被誉为浪漫之都,在希腊婚礼中,新娘会佩戴王冠。王冠款式多样,既有典雅的纯金属款式,也有镶嵌各类宝石的奢华款式,让新娘显得高贵优雅。现代婚礼中,许多...
1. 韩国婚礼:叫苦不迭 韩国的婚礼习俗中,有一个环节是新人会被要求站立,每当有人大喊“苦啊!苦啊!”时,在场的所有人都会齐声附和。这个环节至少要重复十几次,亲友们才会停止。原来,按照韩国人的说法,酒是苦的,不好喝,应该用新人的吻把它变甜。2. 德国婚礼:疯狂摔碗 德国人在婚礼中...
2. 俄罗斯:在俄罗斯,新娘和新郎需要共同咬一块面包,被称为卡拉瓦伊。谁咬得面包最高的那一方,将在婚姻生活中成为家庭的主导者。3. 瑞典:在瑞典婚礼上,如果新娘或新郎离开座位去洗手间,其他性别的宾客可以亲吻新娘或新郎。这个习俗旨在为婚礼增添趣味和互动。4. 肯尼亚:在肯尼亚的马赛族,新娘的...
一般婚礼由市长或他的一名副手主持,习惯上是在周二、四、五、六日,从早上9时至下午5时之间。一般的法国人都喜欢选择在周末结婚。这样便于更多的亲友们前来观礼。 希腊婚礼:传统浪漫 希腊被誉为欧洲古代文明的发祥地,是一个充满神话故事的国度。希腊人的婚礼习俗也是非常有趣的。 曾经有很长的一段时间里,只有在...