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西式婚礼:Western wedding refers to the popular wedding pattern in the west.(西式婚礼是指西方流行的结婚模式。)If new appointee wants to hold western-style wedding custom in the church, should understand the custom of a few churches above all.(若新人想在教堂举行西式的婚礼规矩,首先...


如今很多年轻人喜欢举行西式婚礼英语是Nowadays,many young people like to hold Western style weddings.一、西式婚礼 西式婚礼是指符合西方主流文化的一种结婚仪式。相关仪式有钻石订婚戒;新娘要戴手套;婚戒要戴在左手无名指上等。二、西式习俗 1、西方有趣的婚俗,西式婚礼也有传统的吉祥习俗,新娘抛花...


这样整个婚礼就在一片笑声中结束了。通过研究中西方婚礼的差异,我了解了他们各自的特点:西方的婚礼是纯洁浪漫的,而 的婚礼是喜气洋洋的;西方的婚礼看重的是感觉,而 看重的是仪式。中西方由于他们的风俗习惯不同,也就形成了有各自特点的婚礼风俗.虽然有着不同的习俗,但是无论是哪里的婚礼都充满了...


By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have als...


西方国家婚礼则是以白色为主要颜色,结婚当天的新娘,必须身穿白颜色的婚纱,因为白色象征着内心的忠贞。The custom of wearing white wedding dress in the West originated from the Victorian period in England. White wedding dress became the favorite dress for girls on the wedding day, while ...


1. Chinese weddings are traditionally more formal and serious, whereas Western weddings are generally more relaxed and joyful. These differing wedding customs reflect the cultural nuances between various regions.2. One of the most显著 differences in wedding customs between China and the ...

西方人结婚风俗中的something blue是指什么

西方人结婚风俗中的something blue是指婚礼上新娘要穿戴一些蓝色的小饰物或是用蓝色的花束,寓意新娘的贞洁和纯洁。西式的婚礼和中式婚礼有不同之处,但是它的一些传统习俗也是祝福和吉祥的寓意。除了something blue以外,还有Something Old ,意思是穿戴母亲结婚时穿过的婚纱或是首饰、头饰,表达一种传承美好...


提到婚礼(wedding ceremony),我们就容易想到新娘的服饰(wedding dress)、婚纱 (wedding veil)、新郎抱新娘过门槛(carrying the bride over the threshold),结婚戒指(wedding ring)都是戴在左手的无名指上,新娘拿花、新娘站在新郎的左边等习俗,可是你了解这些习俗的起源吗?新娘服饰的习俗可追溯到维多利亚...


a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed by a wedding reception. Music, poetry, prayers or readings from Scripture or literature is also optionally incorporated into the ceremony....


also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding,you must prepare money,time and capacity for alcohol.还有以下三个网页中的内容应该会对你的这篇小作文有所帮助和提示~关于 婚礼风俗:关于西方婚礼风俗:关于中、西婚礼风俗异同: