One of the crucial elements for marriage is commuication. Communication by speaking and writing is very important when higher level of thinking is to be exchanged. Also, human being's cognative process is based on memory of past learning and experience, people of differnet life tracks may also be difficult to understand each other. Thus, I am pessimistic about the internal and eternal happiness of those involved in cross-country marriage.
The exception is that one part is willing to sacrifice by giving up his/her own culture and ceding to the culture and language of his/her loved ones. I do have one friend who seems to live a happy life, which I think is because his wife, a white lady, is willing to learn to speack Chinese, cook Chinese food, and behave like a tranditional Chinese lady (by quitting her job, staying at home, and give birth to 4 kids, etc.)
“跪求”用英文写一段mixed marrige 的好处和坏处
一是婚姻的基础不是为了爱情。当前的跨国婚姻多数是被金钱、物质利益所驱使的,外嫁他国者多是为了寻求更好的物质生活,得到更多的享受。二是出现一批年龄过于悬殊现象。据资料显示,大多数跨国婚姻者年龄层次悬殊,一般都是年轻的二三十岁的 女子嫁给五六十岁甚至七八十岁的外国男子。三是出现一批相识时间...
Conversations 1. Two women are talking about intercultural marriage.A. You are married to a foreigner, huh? So what’s it like?B. Well, the first year of our marriage, we had great difficulty getting along. The things that are important to me are not important to hi...
Transnational marriage
老外,You should study !
King George V was disappointed in Edward's failure to settle down in life and disgusted by his many affairs with married women. The King was reluctant to see Edward inherit the Crown, and was quoted as saying of Edward: "After I am dead, the boy will ruin himself in 12 ...
婚姻状况证明 翻译成英文?
首先,不少人在翻译过程中,容易把美式英语和英式英语搞混淆。虽然它们之间的差别甚微,但在一些场合,它们却有着天壤之别,举个最简单的例子,在美国,人们通常用“to the reverse”来表示背面,而英国人则喜欢用“at the back”。所以说很多翻译的陷阱都是在这些细节之中,有时候美国的常用语在英国...
你好:首先想问你的是,你和前韩国男友结婚是在 等登记的还是在韩国登记的,我国对于跨国婚姻实行的是婚姻缔结地法律。如果是在 登记,现在不要结婚,现在结婚属于重婚罪。如果没有收到判决书,你可到婚姻缔结地的法院申请离婚。法院同样也会做出离婚判决,处理的状况和那边一样。之后就可以结婚。至...
1,你先自己写个未婚申明书,翻译成英文,或者让公证处的翻译帮你翻译,也不贵.然后他们帮你公证,完了送到辽宁省或者省会城市的外事办,他们会送到外交部认证,但是有些国家需要使馆和外交部的双认证,有些国家只需要外交部认证.你让男朋友打电话去使馆问清楚. 2.这个我没有办过.你要打电话问当地的...
他们家是不错.好.的,时间安排由我们自己定,在家上课随时可以跟外教学口语,而且这个学习起来很方便,不用你跑来跑去学习,可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习的兴趣..只要你有嫁老外的心,那跨国婚姻绝对不成问题,你去成都国际良缘注 册个会员,然后他们就会派专人给你翻译你的英文资料...