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Now I declare,** Sir,** young lady the newly married celebration ceremony formality beginning!( The New appointee is before appear, some disturbances of condition.Mainly is seven elder sister-in-laws eight greatest the 姨ss to stretch the head to explore the neck, be like to infect the one who arouse the one to glance left and right.The south faces the natal home guest to sit the scream that the at table rang out a burst of female children, that is the bride unit colleague, drink for the sister that the body wears the bride to pack colourful.Disturbance no longer than a minute, the host has the voice of settle the dint heavy rang out again.)
Autumn, there is deeper than spring bottom 蕴 , autumn, have the ratio spring more the person of 夺's magic power.Gold autumn seasonal changes, a rightness of loverses hold hands to walk into the saint palace of the marriage, they will grow the evergreen tree of the love together, happy fruit of the common sharing life.They are bridegrooms** Sir, bride** young lady!( Host to New appointee of solemn and impressive release, didn't crazy and hot result that attain the expectation apparently.Originally, because of the place reason, a rightness of New appointeeses are not from the backstage to come out, but has been stand fore a side of the pedestal, diluted to appear the result of the hour.《 The wedding march 》 ring out.)
Today is the day of your exultation, the old saving say: drink water not to forget to beat the well person.You can have the happiness of today, can't forget the parents' loving care from childhood first.( The parents of the New appointee stood to get up.) So first to parents three bow.While bow, wish two old happy forever;Two bow, wish two old healthy forever;Three bow, wish two old happy forever.
A long distance opportunity is a glimmer of to lead long, this lead long the red 娘 of the line is also your exultation of source.Please toward introducer three bow

Each guest in, is all your living medium bosom friend, the mentor that is on the work.It is strong backing that you head for the success.To think pleased add up pleased, should to they three bow.While bow, wish everyone to smile to often open;Two bow, wish everyone's family and beautiful;Three bow, wish everyone all lucky strike.
That good, now husband and wife to do obeisance.While bow, the loyalty is lasting;Two bow, comprehend is necessary;Three bow, respect is mutual.For expressing you at this time of happiness and merriment, the clearly show your eternal love, you will certainly choose a kind of since tradition again the way of the modern to corroborate, ask the guests to set question for them!
This makes what person overwhelm by joy kiss how.But, this is oral promise is not enough finally.So, ask bridegroom, bride to exchange the token of promise, in token of the seas dry up and rocks crumble constant state of mind of the heart!( A rightness of New appointeeses start exchange the token of promise.)
The wine is a sweet 滋滋 of, it indicate your happiness.The wine also is irritable, it will bring you the motive.Hold hands to walk at you up the solemn time of the life road, drink the cup bar, to help style of travelling!( The New appointee drinks to hand over the glass wine.)


bride 新娘 bridegroom or groom 新郎 officiator 主婚人 pastor 牧师 groomsman 伴郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 honeymoon 蜜月 wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服 wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚 marriage certificate 结婚证 guest 来宾 marriage after divorce 再婚 wedding march 婚礼进行曲 mixed marriage 涉外婚姻...


让我们一起探索那些承载着爱情与承诺的婚礼英语词汇,让这些优雅的词汇为你的婚事增添一抹国际化的色彩。新郎(bridegroom),如同那引领爱情航程的主角,用深情的目光等待着他的公主;新娘(bride),则是那美丽耀眼的明星,象征着纯洁与幸福的开始。伴郎(best man at a wedding)和伴娘(bridesmaid, 或...


在涉外活动中,人们也可在名片的左下角用铅笔写上具有一定含义的法文小写字母,如"p. f. "(敬贺)等,或上极简短的话语,如"谨呈示贺,深致谢忱"等,然后寄送予对方,以示恭贺、感谢、慰问、辞行或吊唁等礼。 合十礼 合十礼,又称"合掌礼",原是印度古代的一种礼节,后为各国佛教徒沿用为日常普通礼节。行礼时,两...


一、Bridegroom 1、读音:英 [ˈbraɪdɡruːm] 美 [ˈbraɪdɡruːm]2、语法:词义单一,专指新郎。快要结婚的男子,一般来说,新郎一词专指对于确立婚姻关系的男女在结婚仪式中的男方的称呼,又称新郎官。二、bride 1、读音:英 [braɪd] 美 ...


从以上的例子,可以总结出一些如何在社交场合把英语说得更礼貌的技巧:多使用 can、could、may、might、would 等情态动词,多说 Please(放在句尾)、Excese me、Pardon me、Thank you 等礼貌用语,多用 If 表假设,征求他人意见。 三、如何听懂英国人的“弦外之音” 说了这么多,不妨来看看英国人是怎样说话的。英国...


当然,他们一定会让一个好朋友知道他们去哪一家宾馆过夜,这样朋友可以在晚些时候到宾馆好好地整一下新人。 3. 在法国多少岁才可以订婚 世界主要国家法定结婚年龄如下:伊朗法定结婚年龄9岁;荷兰法定结婚年龄12岁;俄罗斯法定结婚年龄14岁;法国法定结婚年龄15岁;菲律宾法定结婚年龄16岁;韩国法定结婚年龄16岁;日本男18...


如主持会议、座谈、竞赛、动员大会等;角色式司仪也可说成角色式的主持,多见于民间活动,如婚礼、祝寿、开业等。按司仪主持活动的不同,角色式司仪又可分为婚礼司仪、祝寿司仪、开业司仪等等。 司仪即“主持”,或者说司仪就是主持人,只是不同的历史时期人们对主持者的称呼不同。如现在的北京、上海...


提供一些英语专业的毕业论文题目,供参考。语言学研究英语在香港的传播英语在 文化中的重生英语帝国:是现实还是神话二战后英语发展的非正式化趋势英语的全球化和区域化英语中的性别歧视英语中的女性歧视现象英语中的性别歧视和西方妇女的社会地位女性语言特点及其社会根源论广告英语的语言特点浅析商务信函的...


【名】 (Marriage)(英)马里奇(人名)短语 marriage certificate 结婚证 ; 结婚证书 ; 结婚证明 ; 结婚证明书 The Marriage of Figaro 费加罗的婚礼 ; 莫扎特费加罗的婚礼 ; 费加洛的婚礼 ; 费加洛婚礼 Mixed marriage 异族通婚 ; 跨国婚姻 ; 涉外婚姻 ; 杂婚 词语辨析 wedding, marriage 这组词...

