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四个婚礼和一个葬礼 结局

Charles: Let me ask you one thing. Do you think - after we've dried off, after we've spent lots more time together - you might agree *not* to marry me? And do you think not being married to me might maybe be something you could consider doing for the rest of your life?
Carrie: I do.

讲一个婚礼中的爱情 男孩查尔斯是一名酷爱参加婚礼 却对结婚有着莫名恐惧的人 他总拉着一大帮朋友去参加别人的婚礼 这天他如同往常一般赶去参加婚礼 结果在婚礼上她认识了一个女孩:凯莉 在婚礼结束后查尔斯便主动向凯莉搭讪