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boys' arguments:
1. A girl with higher education level normally tends to work after graduation and be financially independent, so she may ignore family and children.
2. Husbands should earn money and support the whole family, so wives don't need much education.
3. Knowledge is important, but moral integrity and virtues are more important for a good and lasting marriage.
girls' arguments:
1. Less educated people are often seen as incompetent in modern society and would have difficulty in finding decent jobs to support themselves and their families;
2. Better educated parents, especially the mother, could start teaching their kids from early ages and give their kids some advantages in future social competition;
3. Women with higher education degrees can have better chance to find well-paid jobs and be more independent both financially and socially, so there will be more equality in the household and the couple will find it easier to afford expensive housing and living expenditures in today's society.