智慧点滴网 感知人生智慧分享生活点滴幸福



YOU always on my mind,
our dangers all the time
you're everything to me
bright the star to like me see
you touch me in my dream
we kiss every thing
I prey to be with you to every shineing day
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we will we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
YOU always on my mind,
we're dangers all the time
you're everything to me
bright the stars like me see
you touch me in my dream
we kiss every thing
I prey to be with you to every shineing day
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we are we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we are we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
da da da.............



结婚进行曲的歌词是:我愿意 为了你 披上白纱衣我愿意 为了你 走在红毯里我愿为你 唱出一首 爱的恋曲我愿为你 造起一座 爱的屋顶为你挡风遮雨聊天泡茶下棋只愿 今生有你走在红毯里披上白纱衣你是我这一生中最美的约定约了和你一起数星星定了和你的每个天明走在祝福里钟声又响起你是我这一生...


所有故事停止 撕开了幸福伪装 双手在我耳边 头又在不停摇晃 我被俘虏多年 且爱上的是上当 谢谢你让我成长 我最爱的姑娘 你的真实谎言把我拦在城外 我只能双手放开 无奈无奈 把最后的疼爱做成了西装 拱手让他穿在了别人身上 Dang...Dang...这婚礼怎么那么悲伤 我流着泪双手使劲鼓掌 Dang...Dang....






you shy the building on the loving's rainbow there we are we go need you of my life you are my heart you are my bright in your eyes I find my heaver in your eyes I see the sky may loving on the pain of die da da da...用酷狗音乐搜歌词就能搜到 ...


婚礼进行曲 童 声:天地人和,龙凤呈祥;天地人和,龙凤呈祥。男女合唱: 缘来缘聚,天降吉祥随人意;相敬如宾,红线巧系两颗心 双得意,恩爱深。恭喜恭喜,恭喜恭喜。看新郎潇洒新娘 漂亮,龙凤呈祥,地久天长。喜来福聚,并蒂比翼两相宜;爱情甜美,共为知己心交心 如一人,向前进。恭喜恭喜,恭喜...


胡彦斌的《婚礼进行曲》歌词如下:晨雾弥漫风中夹杂着花朵的香味,梦想启程新人牵手走进幸福的场景。心手相牵共筑爱的堡垒,在这特别的一天见证永恒的誓言。歌词解释:1. 开篇描绘场景:歌词起始于晨雾弥漫的清晨,空气中弥漫着花朵的香气,营造了一种浪漫而温馨的氛围。这样的描写为后续新人的婚礼营造了...


每一天每一时 You're everything to me 你是我的全部 Brightest star to let me see 你呈现了最闪亮的星星攘我看 We kiss in every scene 我们吻在每一个漂亮风景里 I pray to be with you through rain and shiny day 我祈祷着不管在雨天或天晴都和你在一起 I'll love you till I die ...


1,婚礼上的歌曲简谱是5111的歌名是什麽婚礼进行曲。2,结婚进行曲的简谱结婚进行曲的简谱:《结婚进行曲》是瓦格纳所作歌剧《罗恩格林》第三幕开始时的一段混声合唱《婚礼大合唱》,因常用作婚礼音乐而得名《婚礼进行曲》,后被改编成管弦乐曲。 按照西方的传统,新娘入场时要奏的是瓦格纳的《婚礼...